Analytics Versus Creativity
30 Seconds On…Analytics Versus Creativity
* 'A big part of our innovation process is iteration. We try something, get a lot of feedback, then try something new. We let the maths and the data govern how things look and feel.' Marissa Mayer, vice-president of search, Google
* 'You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new.' Steve Jobs, chief executive, Apple
* 'Long-gone is the day of the gut-instinct management style. Today's business leaders are adopting algorithmic decision-making techniques and using highly sophisticated software to run their organisations.' Ian Davis, worldwide managing director, McKinsey
* 'Let me suggest an alternative trend - the rise of heuristics over algorithms; qualitative over quantitative research; judgement over analytics; creativity over crunching. Smart executives are recognising that the analytic approach to business has overreached.' Professor Roger Martin, dean, Rotman School of Management